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  • Image credit: Dr Catherine Young

    Wilderness Grand Designs Helping A Rare Parrot

    MEDIA RELEASE Wilderness Grand Designs – new infrastructure aids recovery efforts for Orange-bellied Parrots Every spring, a small troupe of…

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  • Image credit: Bjørn Christian Tørrissen

    Fire and Food: The effect of planned burning on the abundance and availability of Orange-bellied Parrot food plants at Melaleuca.

    Melaleuca, located in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area, is the last remaining breeding site for the critically endangered Orange-bellied…

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  • Image credit: Dejan Stojanovic

    Captive bred birds help buy time for critically endangered Orange-bellied Parrots

    MEDIA RELEASE Faced with imminent extinction less than a decade ago, the slow and steady recovery of the critically endangered…

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  • Nest hollow study – are there enough tree hollows for a growing Orange-bellied Parrot population?

    Orange-bellied Parrots (Neophema chrysogaster) are one of Australia’s most endangered birds. Although they would once have been more widespread, these…

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