posted 26 June, 2024

A winter solstice at Moulting Lagoon

There are a few iconic ways to celebrate the winter solstice in Tassie, but we think the attendees of our recent Moulting Lagoon field day chose one of the best ones: getting their boots muddy while touring some of our wetland restoration sites at Moulting Lagoon.

Across two properties, Devil’s Corner and The Grange, around 20 attendees had a chance to view restoration works completed under an NRM South project that wrapped up in 2023, as well as upcoming sites that will be restored as part of our new ‘Supporting Significant Wetlands’ project.

At Devil’s Corner, the group saw established riparian revegetation as well as degraded saltmarsh that will be restored using habitat augmentation structures, which provide substrate for seeds to settle and establish. This will be done in combination with direct planting of saltmarsh species – a combination that will facilitate accelerated saltmarsh recovery.

At The Grange, they had a first look at brand new revegetation site planted earlier that week, alongside established revegetation and saltmarsh habitat augmentation that has been in place for two years – witnessing the potential outcome of the same methods we will employ at Devil’s Corner.  

Our ‘Supporting Significant Wetlands’ project will work across multiple properties that border the Ramsar-listed Moulting Lagoon and Apsley Marshes, extending and expanding our long-running restoration program in the region to improve the health of the wetlands. Habitat augmentation works will be complemented by additional weeding, native revegetation to create buffer zones, and fencing to exclude stock from the wetland recovery areas.  

This project is funded by the Australian Government’s Natural Heritage Trust and delivered by NRM South, a member of the Regional Delivery Panel.