posted 25 October, 2021

Pasture renovation trials and the launch of Farming Forecaster in Tasmania

NRM South is delivering a new drought resilience building project through the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund. This project is a collaboration between NRM South, NRM North, the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture, AgriProve and producer groups affected by drought.
The project will be helping farmers in drought prone regions of Tasmania using two main approaches. The first is through testing locally innovative methods for responsively managing ground cover and informing farmers about the potential of strip tillage as a cost-effective approach for pasture establishment and renovation. The second is an exciting new Farming Forecaster pilot project – a powerful feed budgeting and stock management tool for farmers and advisors. While Farming Forecaster is already widely used in NSW and Victoria, this pilot will be a first for Tasmania and has real potential to provide farmers with more confidence in making decisions in tough years, and to be able to react earlier to opportunities.
We’ve put together this introduction video explaining how we will be working to increase farmer capacity and responsiveness for managing more resilient feed-bases in drought-prone areas in Tasmania.
This project is supported by NRM South, through funding from the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund