posted 27 September, 2022

MEDIA RELEASE: Partnerships, community, and dedication – NRM South’s recipe for success

An additional $3.28 million in projects, a new regional strategy to 2030, and a 76% increase in organisational revenue. These are just a few of the successes that NRM South, southern Tasmania’s natural resource management organisation, are celebrating following the release of their most recent annual report as part of their 2022 Annual General Meeting.

The year-on-year growth is reflected in the broad array of projects that NRM South are coordinating with partners across southern Tasmania. The projects cover everything from landscape scale drought resilience to blue carbon projects, alongside actions to protect some of our state’s most threatened species – some of which only exist in a single location.

Nepelle Crane, CEO for NRM South who has been leading the organisation on its trajectory, credits NRM South’s strong partnerships and dedicated team for this success. ‘We have many people to thank for what we have achieved this past year’, explained Nepelle. ‘Our natural resource management community have helped us to define our directions and focus, and to deliver well managed projects that protect our natural and cultural values, and productive and sustainable landscapes, waterways, and assets.

NRM South will also be celebrating their 20-year anniversary in 2023, an ideal time to reflect on some of the many projects that they have delivered, from the central highlands to the far south.  NRM South primarily receives funding from the Australian Government and foundational support from the Tasmanian State Government.  Their latest annual report is available to download from the NRM South website