Latest News & Updates

  • MEDIA RELEASE: Understand, improve, manage. A dryland grazing website for Tasmania.

    Short-growing seasons, variable soil conditions and erosion prone north-facing slopes are some of the challenges facing dryland graziers in Tasmania….

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  • MEDIA RELEASE: Let it flow – breathing new life into an internationally renowned wetland

    Where the Coal River meets Pitt Water-Orielton Lagoon, one of Australia’s biggest wetland reclamation projects is underway. The Eddington family,…

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  • MEDIA RELEASE – Local knowledge key to restoring internationally significant Tasmanian wetlands

    Over 8000 resident black swans know just how important Moulting Lagoon and the Apsley Marshes are to birds and other…

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  • MEDIA RELEASE: Taking Swift Parrots off the menu

    When it comes to planning actions to protect the critically endangered Swift Parrot in Tasmania, it may come as a…

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  • MEDIA RELEASE: ‘Farming Forecaster’ for Tasmanian graziers.

    Tasmanian graziers will now have access to a new online decision-making tool that has been developed by CSIRO in conjunction…

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  • MEDIA RELEASE: Carbon + Biodiversity = benefits for farmers

    NRM South is leading the rollout of a new pilot program for farmers in southern Tasmania who are looking to…

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  • MEDIA RELEASE: NRM South 2021 AGM and annual report

    NRM South is pleased to announce the release of their 2020-2021 annual report, showcasing the significant progress that the organisation…

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  • MEDIA RELEASE: Improved mooring options to save valuable seagrass

    Natural Resource Management South, working in partnership with CSIRO and OzFish Unlimited, are calling on volunteers with moorings at North…

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  • Image credit: Eric Woehler

    MEDIA RELEASE: Cat trapping underway in Bruny’s shearwater colonies

    An important phase of NRM South’s ‘Priority actions for Eastern Quolls on north Bruny Island’ project has commenced. Feral cat…

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  • MEDIA RELEASE: A strategy for the south

    NRM South has been working together with Tasmania’s two other regional NRM bodies (NRM North and Cradle Coast Authority) to…

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  • Image credit: Matthew Doggett

    MEDIA RELEASE: Super-kelp to the rescue

    Immense forests of giant kelp once formed dense floating canopies around Tasmania’s coastline. Historically it was so abundant that it…

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  • Image credit: John Tongue

    MEDIA RELEASE: Conservation covenants swiftly secured

    Streaking through the air at speeds of up to 90 kilometres an hour, the brightly coloured and iconic Swift Parrot…

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  • MEDIA RELEASE: A decade of restoration

    On June 5, coinciding with World Environment Day, the United Nations will officially launch the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration….

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