posted 15 February, 2022

MEDIA RELEASE: ‘Farming Forecaster’ for Tasmanian graziers.

Tasmanian graziers will now have access to a new online decision-making tool that has been developed by CSIRO in conjunction with producers, being used with great success across NSW.

This project was instigated by the East Coast Primary Producers Association with funding achieved by NRM South through the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund and is being trialled and launched in partnership with NRM North and other stakeholders.

Farming Forecaster has already demonstrated its relevance to pasture-based graziers in NSW and will give Tasmanian graziers better insight into current conditions and impact on pasture availability over the coming season.

Tim Ackroyd, from NRM South believes that Farming Forecaster is a fantastic opportunity to support farmers across the state.

‘This tool has already demonstrated significant benefits in NSW in similar conditions to Tasmania. I’m confident that it will do the same here and provide considerable value to Tasmanian graziers in managing challenging and variable climate conditions,’ said Tim.

Twelve sites have been established to commence the pilot work across Triabunna, Kelvedon, Cranbrook, St Marys, Fingal, Avoca, the Southern and Northern Midlands, and north Bruny. The inclusion of a variety of terrain, soil and conditions will improve the information available to farmers in these areas.

‘I encourage graziers to get on-line and explore the tool and attend one of our events. Farmers who are interested in being part of the pilot should contact me directly,’ said Tim.

The tool can also incorporate on-farm data after a capital investment in sensors. This will increase the tool’s direct relevance properties, particularly useful on sites with highly variable terrain, soil and conditions.

NRM South and NRM North will be supporting farmers and advisors to understand the benefits and how to use this tool by running training events, in March, June and August in the north and south of the state. Those involved in managing extensive dryland grazing enterprises are strongly encouraged to attend.

If you would like to know more about the project and up and coming events, please contact Tim Ackroyd on: [email protected] 0400 047 665. To view the Farming Forecaster website, visit The Tasmanian data will be available soon.

Farming Forecaster was developed by CSIRO in conjunction with producers in NSW across 59 reference sites. This Tasmanian pilot is part of a project funded under the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund and has been developed by NRM South in partnership with NRM North, the East Coast Primary Producers Association, the Upper Esk Landcare and Productivity Group, farmers in the midlands and north Bruny, and the Tasmanian Government.