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  • Night Surveys Shed Light on Fish Species in Local Wetland

    MEDIA RELEASE The sun is setting as a team of researchers set up their equipment for a series of night…

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  • Image credit: Bjørn Christian Tørrissen

    Fire and Food: The effect of planned burning on the abundance and availability of Orange-bellied Parrot food plants at Melaleuca.

    Melaleuca, located in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area, is the last remaining breeding site for the critically endangered Orange-bellied…

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  • Multi-species forage crops, less may be more

    When graziers are looking to transition degraded pastures to more sustainable, diverse permanent pastures, forage crops (sown in one year…

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  • Plenty more fish in the sea – how saltmarsh keeps our fisheries buoyant

    Restoring a saltmarsh brings many benefits. Improved biodiversity and environmental values, healthier plant life, increased fish habitat and better resilience…

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  • Genetics can give powerful insights on Forty-spotted Pardalote population dynamics

    The Forty-spotted Pardalote (Pardalotus quadragintus) is a rare Tasmanian bird that is now largely confined to Bruny Island, Maria Island…

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  • From Agreement to Action: Building Back Biodiversity 

    MEDIA RELEASE Natural Resource Management South are working to build back biodiversity at two internationally important wetlands on Tasmania’s east…

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  • Students celebrate completion of native shellfish reefs in their backyard

    For the last two weeks, students at Taroona High School have had a front row seat to the construction of…

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  • Revisiting the east coast pasture trials

    During an April field day at Milton on the east coast, we revisited our three pasture trials to see how…

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  • Discovery of historic pasture trial yields long-term persistence data

    MEDIA RELEASE Demonstration sites are an important tool that enables graziers to get useful local insights about the impact of…

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  • Bringing back native Angasi reefs in southeast Tasmania

    MEDIA RELEASE NRM South is working in partnership with The Nature Conservancy on the Reef Builder project to restore two…

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  • Feathering the Nest – Build Your Own Feather Dispenser And Help An Endangered Bird Thrive

    MEDIA RELEASE Tasmania’s tiny Forty-spotted Pardalote is a bird species that faces significant challenges – but recent research has shown…

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  • PODCAST: Forest on Farms – what’s the value?

    Recently, Sophie Golding – NRM South’s senior project officer with our Biodiversity team – caught up with Rodney Rowe, a…

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  • Moving to Survive: Translocation Efforts Protecting a Fragile Species

    As well as being one of Australia’s most at-risk freshwater fish, the Swan Galaxias is also one of our most…

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