NRM South is one of 57 projects across Australia to have been successful under Round 2 of the Australian Government’s $200 million Urban Rivers and Catchments Program, in a funding announcement delivered last week by The Hon Tanya Plibersek MP.
NRM South’s ‘Rivers to Ramsar’ project will work to improve river health at Frogmore Creek, Orielton Rivulet, and Sorell Rivulet, which all flow toward the Ramsar-listed Pitt Water-Orielton Lagoon, located just out of Hobart and situated near the rapidly developing urban centre of Sorell.
Working on public and private land along these waterways, this important three-year project will be delivered alongside partner organisations Landcare Tasmania and Sorell Council to clear invasive weeds, replant riverbanks with native vegetation, limit stock and vehicle access to reduce runoff and improve water quality, and repair and restore altered drainage pathways.
This work continues NRM South’s long-term commitment to restoring and protecting important Ramsar-listed wetlands, which are classed as internationally significant and part of a global network of key wetland sites. Minister Plibersek highlighted the importance of these efforts, commenting ‘with so many native plants and animals reliant on our rivers, creeks, wetlands, and estuaries, protecting and restoring the health of our waterways is essential.’
Through our work, which includes in-kind support from the Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service and TasWater, we aim to improve critical wetland habitat for threatened migratory birds, re-establish important habitat corridors and reduce nutrient and sediment runoff.
NRM South’s ‘Rivers to Ramsar’ project builds on recent investment and will mitigate further degradation this important wetland in an increasingly urbanized environment.
This project is funded by the Australian Government’s Natural Heritage Trust under the Urban Rivers and Catchments Program, with the support of NRM South, Landcare Tasmania, Sorell Landcare, Sorell Council, TasWater and the Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service.